Bigfoot Monti- Mother colony
This Montipora patula was obtained from Rommel Lumauig of San Jose, California,
proprietor of Ultimatefrags.com. Rommel obtained this unusual coral as a wild
colony brought in from a special tonga transship from Clint Conway of Diamonds
in the Reef. The surface of the coral is a reddish coloration and is densely
packed with protruding corallites small and irregular in height. Corallite coloration
varies from reddish to pink to light blue/gray at the tips topped with pink/purple
polyps making for a striking contrast, see image below. Montipora patula grows
in a massive plating or encrusting form. This particular specimen is growing
in an encrusting form with slow to moderate growth. This Limited Edition is
being grown by The Coral Oasis who is distributing and growing fragments of
this coral from a starter colony piece which we acquired from Rommel during
our coral road trip to the S.F. Bay area in February of 2006. Frank Burr is
propagating this coral in a SPS propagation tower system at The Coral Oasis
growout and distribution facility. The coral is positioned at about 14 inches
from a 250watt 14,000K Hamilton Metal Halide. Water current is slow to moderate.
Starting in February 2006 The Coral Oasis is allowed to distribute 1 farmed
fragment of this spectacular coral per month. Price is currently $105 per small
sized fragment. The monthly limited edition reservation schedule can be found

Bigfoot Monti - close up
Please note -
This Limited Edition coral has been selected for First Edition Auctioning through
Tropical Reef
Oasis. The very first fragment of this coral produced
and grown within the The Coral Oasis facility will be auctioned beginning February
18, 2006 to the highest bidder. When these First Edition The Coral Oasis Auctions
occur, up to 50 % of the auction price will go to the farmer that delivered
this coral to The Coral Oasis facility. We do this in gratitude to reef farmers
who have chosen to sell their rare corals through The Coral Oasis distribution
network. Many of the corals listed were found during Frank Burr's Coral Road
Trips during 2005 and continuing in 2006. After this First Edition Auction the
coral becomes a normal Limited Edition each month where The Coral Oasis earns
each months reservation income by growing the captive fragment. The Coral Oasis
propagation facility is closed to the public and available by appointment only.
Bigfoot Monti
Year 2006 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule
First Edition Auctioned on February 18th
for $105 |
March |
Reserved for Dr. O'brien |
April |
Reserved for N. Yahata |
May |
Reserved for T. Evans |
June |
Reserved for A. Smith |
July |
Reserved for R. Adam |
August |
Reserved for M. Juner |
September |
Reserved for I. Hartwell |
October |
Reserved for D. Wang |
November |
Reserved for W. Roesler |
December |
Reserved for T. Wasden |
Bigfoot Monti
Year 2007 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule
January |
Reserved for J. Butler |
February |
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March |
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April |
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May |
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June |
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July |
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August |
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September |
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October |
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November |
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December |
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Bigfoot Monti
Year 2008 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule
January |
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February |
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March |
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April |
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June |
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July |
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August |
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September |
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October |
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November |
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December |
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Bigfoot Monti
Year 2009 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule
January |
Reserved for |
February |
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March |
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April |
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May |
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June |
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July |
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